Sunday, November 21, 2021

8 Values of Free Expression

 In America, free speech is a core value to each citizen. Being able to say what you want is important.There's controversial issues going on constantly and being able to say how you feel  is important. This is especially true now in times of the internet where people say what they want constantly online.  In the area of the internet and all sorts of views the 8 values of free expression mean more now than ever. The 8 values of free expression are important but I am going to lay out the 3 bedrock principles of free speech 1 first amendment protection is not absolute i.e. incitement, true threats, public endangerment . 2  first amendment is not a shield vs laws of general acceptability applies to all, no exceptions. 3 First amendment freedom of press is a “fundamental personal right” not institutional. With that being understood within our area of the internet protecting dissent is very important on the internet with many things like the Kyle Rittenhouse case people all over the internet were talking about how they felt about the case whether or not people are an opinion you agree with or not the fact they get to have one is great and it's part of America. 

Bail for Kyle Rittenhouse Set at $2 Million in Kenosha Protest Shooting -  The New York Times

Another key idea is the marketplace of ideas. The fact that we can exchange ideas freely without government interference is amazing. We can talk about our history freely and can critique events. It's not like China where you get integrated for referring to Tiananmen square. That fact we can do that is amazing, America is unlike anywhere else in the world for that. I also think twitter on its own uses promote innovation and promote tolerance on its platform as well as marketplace of ideas. The platform on the internet where people spread ideas and it creates new ideas and within the left being politically correct to promote tolerance. Without free speech we wouldn't be able to talk about how we feel about issues we would be able to debate and make compromises. It would also make it harder to see both sides of an issue at hand.  I also like the fact we can criticize the government like in class where you talked about Julian Assange or the Iran war. The  Check on Governmental Power free expression theory is important because with our input some things change if the proper sources or route of protesting and being vocal about the issues. While we may not be able to do much on the issues of Julian Assange or the Iraq war there is stuff we can do with being vocal for public policy. While it would be nice to actually have a say within policy and laws the only thing we can do is be vocal and vote for the candidate we deem most appropriate for the job. While that creates issues like mentioned in class where they keep the Iraq war up for many presidents and it feels like new boss old rules and feels like things have not changed we still have our freedoms and free speech and at least we can be vocal about it.  

Julian Assange - Wikipedia

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Final Post

I have learned so much from this class from having little trust in technology  to understanding the roles of the government in speech . I ha...