Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources

1. Fox News 

As a whole, I enjoy watching Fox News because of its television personalities. I enjoy watching Tucker Carlson and the whole Fox crew.  I like that they try to make the news easy and digestible. While I do understand Fox's bias towards the political right, I understand that and keep it in mind. What I also like about Fox is the local syndicate stations because you get to see what's going on in your state or county. Fox News is easy to find through apps, emails, newspapers, YouTube, websites, and their many social media platforms. While other networks do have a similar presence like Fox; I think they do it best. Their convenience makes them a top choice and an easy pick for me.   

2. Wall Street Journal 

I enjoy reading the Wall Street Journal. The problem is that there's a paywall on most articles. There are many ways to get around it using Google Chrome or Chrome extensions. Once getting past that the Wall Street Journal is a very great place to get news. There is not a consistent bias, but the lens that the author is writing of is one of making money and how it affects the economy. So any information that could make you or someone a buck or two will be in it. While the Wall Street Journal has a feel like the average reader is people like a Jordan Belford type.  That is not quite true as so many great and powerful people like Warren Buffet read it. The articles are well written and everything is well researched. As a whole, it is great, but I am not a fan of the paywall. Beyond that if you want to pay for it, get it delivered, or view it some other way as it is a great source of news. 

3. Politico 

There's so much I love about Politico. Their website is easy to navigate. Their articles are easy to read. They respect people's privacy with cookies depending on the browser you use. Politico started in 2006, when writers at The Washington Post left and started their own paper. That now means even more to the news world now considering the fact Jeff Besos now owns The Washington Post. The Washington Post has skewed its view since the change in ownership. This caused more viewers to jump ship from The Washington Post to Politico. Politico's articles tend to be unbiased; they try to report only the facts. But some writers skew more than others so always be aware who's in the article and who's writing it. Politico has some great writing, interviews, and articles. Their podcast is better than most NPR podcasts. If you need news for a school project or to cite something I recommend if it's a news outlet to use Politico. 

4. Barstool Sports

Barstool Sports covers more sporting events and stories than the news, but they cover all sorts of events and topics. Not all news I consume is traditional news. I would have considered different sources like Vice, All Gas No Breaks, or Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan for this list, but they aren’t that great at news and they tend to have the Gonzo style popularized by Hunter S. Thomson. The writer being involved in causing changes in the article tends to be more of an art form than news. Barstool Sports has a few articles where they are part of the event and go to tailgates or go to the Kentucky Derby. In their more famous instance, storm chasers caused students to storm college basketball courts all over the nation. Barstool Sports does what ESPN does but better. They report scores, stories, and talk about all things sports. Their personalities do not overshadow their sports. While they do have some wild takes from time to time. They do not do what ESPN does; Barstool Sports doesn't have a Steven A Smith or Skip Bayless where people tune in to see what nonsensical ideas they will have.  Their personalities that report the news and sports more so feed on the mood of the article. Barstool Sports also does polls and many events where viewers can tune in to help see what the thoughts of the people are. Barstool Sports has grown since they started in 2003 as a sports betting newspaper. Dave Portnoy, in himself, is a great person to follow. Barstool is a medium that doesn't take themselves too seriously. If you start the day reading The Wall Street Journal in a suit. Barstool Sports is what you end your day after taking your tie off. It is refreshing and I love Barstool Sports.  

5. Time 

While Time has a paywall as well they do give you a few free articles.  When you run out there's ways to figure out what to do when the paywall arrives. Time is a well known long running news outlet. If newspapers were stock this would be blue chip. They are the Coca-Cola of news. They are well known for their Person of the Year and I will have you know, I am Time's 2006 Person of the Year. If you get their magazine you can recognize their thick red border with the Time logo at the top. It is  very recognizable. It really doesn’t need a cover as you know it to be Time Magazine. Their articles range from worldwide to local. Their writing has gotten more and more biased over time. Their audience has gotten far older and tends to appeal to “boomers'' but they still cover some great news. They have great writers and are well known and it all makes Time an easy choice for my top 5 list. 

Honorable Mention 

The Onion 

What is great about this news source is that it is satirical. But that means it's news, but it's fake news. The thing is that there have been many articles from The Onion that come true and actually happen. The Onion takes our wild reality and tries to push it. It still makes headlines that are fake sound like something that may have happened. I share some stories on Instagram from their site and my friends tend to get fooled sometimes. The Onion is a site where you can laugh at how wild our reality is. I enjoy reading it from time to time when I need a laugh. The Onion is written better than some other news outlets. It looks legitimate at first glance and is a great place to visit for entertainment purposes.

Thanks for reading! 

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