Monday, December 13, 2021

EOTO 2 Learned from others

The term fake news was coined in 1977. What makes it so annoying is that the more times you hear something the more likely you are to believe it. Making fake news posts and stories that are the same headlines and same fake story makes it so people who don't look into things or the story fits with their narrative they go with it.  Familiarity and fake news goes hand and hand. Fake news is something that has become more and more prevalent as time and technology has changed. 

Course: How to spot fake news

The term Gatekeeping was coined in 1943. The term used in psychology now Gatekeeping is a very prevalent term in the communication business. Such as those who have the in on a story a event and use it so others cannot use it. Gatekeeping prevents people from using events, stories, or anything to create controversy. The Gatekeeping aspect is a gate that only the person who has access to this resource has access to, so others may only get a diluted portion of which or none at all. 

OPINION: Gatekeeping in communities hinders self-expression – The Roar

Agenda setting the term for what the media wants you to see. The term framing is making people think a certain way. The media twists reality for people and the fact they Gatekeep information a lot of the time people do not see the full story and can't understand important parts it makes framing and agenda setting easier. The media uses agenda setting and framing to make you think they want you to think and act as they want you to act. It doesn't work as well because people are aware of the media is pushing an agenda but it still can affect people. 

The Agenda-Setting Theory in Mass Communication | Alvernia Online

The term false flag comes from when pirates used to raise their flag and pretend to be on your side but then attack. Within the news there's accounts online that pose as one political party and push minimisation to people in that party. Very recently in Virginia there was a false flag where people pretended to be “The Proud Boys” a far right organization and the people who posed as these “Proud Boys” went with tiki torches to Glen Youngkin events to make Younkin look like he is further right. The plan was to get him away from voters who were moderate. This didn't work, the false flag opperators were also found out. Youngkin ended up winning his race. 

False Flag of Terrorism «

Cia Black Sites are areas made to detain people by the cia and US government for enhanced integration methods (torcher). These black sites are somewhere you do not want to be. It's like being kidnapped by the United States government. The scariest part is that Americans didn't know about it for a while. What also goes with these black sites is the term extraordinary rendition. This term extraordinary rendition means sending a person to a country where they are at a high risk of harm or at risk of torcher. Extraordinary rendition was legal until recently when people found out about enhanced interrogation. The government made it illegal to help use the press from it to cover up the enhanced interrogation coming out in the news 

Defense Attorneys Demand Release of Thousands of CIA Black Site Photos

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Final Post

I have learned so much from this class from having little trust in technology  to understanding the roles of the government in speech . I ha...