Monday, December 13, 2021


In the video about the Age of AI it was very alerting. There's so many problems I had already with AI and this brought more to my attention. I was already worried about it taking people’s jobs. Also understanding how big the industry is growing and what it is becoming was interesting. I did not know it was as big as it was. Nor did I know China was getting so big with its tech. The fact that they are at this rate doesn't surprise me. Their system with social credit would make Joseph Stalin cry a tear of happiness. Being able to survey people constantly and give them consequences on those actions at any time unchecked that's what dictators can only dream of. Then it's all automatic and done by AI making it easier to use. Lastly, making its people fear it constantly and worry about not being able to use public transportation or get a loan if they do something unfavorable. I was surprised that Kai Fu Lee said as much as he said considering he is in China often and how China has this problem with its billionaires disappearing.

What Life Under China's Social Credit System Could Be Like - YouTube

The near two hour long video hits a lot, AI playing go, self driving cars, detecting breast cancer, machines taking our jobs, facial reaction, Chinese camps. The video ends with explaining how this tech helps autortain governments more the democratic. This all raises so many questions about before AI steps up but what if the government uses it for wrong. While it can push us for the good and help us understand what makes us human I only see it go wrong. I see it being used for social control and many other nefarious deeds. I can see it hurting and harming people. I think its the new nuke issue but instead of mutually assured destruction. It's much more assured self destruction for the people of the countries China is already using to basically have a genoisde against a religious minority.  It's all very worsome and I think its a problem that will only compound and get worse. 

The Muslim families torn apart by Chinese 're-education camps' | ITV News -  YouTube

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Final Post

I have learned so much from this class from having little trust in technology  to understanding the roles of the government in speech . I ha...