Sunday, November 21, 2021


AI can be something that may be useful in the future I believe if we just have amazon alexa just evolve AI may not be too bad. I fear AI getting too smart and too powerful. It's something that once its out of the bag it can't go back. Elon Musk, Steven Hawking, and Bill Gates are all against AI. I completely understand it is evolving too fast and can become a problem if the right conditions happen. It can become the smartest intelligence and who knows what it could justify and be ok with.  For the time being AI is harmless and things like Tay AI was a massive flop. If you don't know what Tay AI is, it's an AI that was on twitter made by Microsoft. People figured out how it learned and would soon make it say racist and inappropriate things Tay would get shut down but is even more interesting is that there was a version in japan and it ended up like Tay where it was saying inappropriate things and would be shut down. In China there's a version that works because of the control over the people China has. Another thing I think about when it comes to AI is Roko's Basilisk. This can be harmful if you take this thought experiment too seriously. Roko's Basilisk is a world-ending AI that is insanely smart. It takes prejudice to anyone who didn't help create it or hindered its creation so anyone who didn't help it torches as horribly as an AI can so you ask yourself should you help create this AI? There's many answers but it's far beyond my lifespan were something of this level will be made. What is super close to being done is neuralink, another health helping technology that can help people with brain issues. It's kinda like the amputee in the video we saw. Another note from the video I liked is the fact Will I am said AI has to look funky or like AI so if it gets too real we will have problems. I also am surprised that Will I am doing stuff with AI

The Interview: why Black Eyed Pea is more into AI than 'lady  lumps' these days | The Sunday Times Magazine | The Sunday Times

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