Sunday, December 12, 2021

EOTO 1 Learned from others

The Phonograph was invented in 1877. Edison did not mean for it to be for music as he wanted to extend the function of telephones. Many improvements started in the 1880’s. He changed music because now you don't need a family member to play music to listen at home. It commercialized the music industry. It was on an incline with success until 1928. Its impact made it so you didn’t have to go out or have a family member play an instrument to hear music although it hurt live performances a bit. It allowed well known musicians to commercialize their works. Its successor, which was vinyl, has made a comeback. 


Drones are called UAVs: Unmanned aerial vehicles were invented in 1973. First big use was in 2006 with Hurricane Katrina. They can be used by news agencies, real estate agencies, military or security uses, and for drone competitions. Pros of drones is it unlocked new angles to film or take photos from. It's cheaper than using a helicopter. Now its getting regulated to use them commercially via a license. The cons are they are easy to buy. The problem with them being used by a peeping tom is not a good one. They are also so loud I cannot sleep when someone is flying one near my dorm to get an image of campus at night.

Quadcopter - Wikipedia

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Final Post

I have learned so much from this class from having little trust in technology  to understanding the roles of the government in speech . I ha...